Eastwood Heights

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You will get MapQuest directions to our local Burger King & the area where we live. Burger King is 3 Miles from our house. We have 3 Hotels: a Hampton Inn, Holiday Inn, and a Days Inn. The Hampton Inn is right across from Burger King. It will give you a look at driving time and distance.

We are in Florida
We are about 1 hour West of Orlando (Disney World) and 1 hour North of Tampa (Busch Gardens) two of Florida's vacation destinations. Plus don't forget our white sandy beaches or Come Enjoy Florida's ONLY spring-fed waterpark! See the Mermaids at Weeki Wachee Springs and swim in the crystal clear constant 72 degree spring water. Weeki Wachee Springs is less than 20 miles from our house. Google it.

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We are Located in FLORIDA. We live very close to one of the Florida State Forests for those who enjoy hiking.

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